Welcome to a new way of embodying your MULTIDIMENSIONAL SELF

Welcome to a new way of embodying your


Discover how you can truly impact your life, overall wellbeing and relationships, by working with what your body is giving you!

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

These often manifest has emotional triggers, mental fragmentation or physical discomfort


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“My reactions feel out of alignment from my core truth.”

“I feel alienated from my family, and my partner and I are not in sync anymore, after my awakening.”


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“I struggle receiving guidance from my felt-sense or intuitive knowing.”

“I think I may have trouble trusting my gut instincts and inner voice.”


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“I am frequently on autopilot, not experiencing the present moment in my body.”

“I don’t feel grounded or anchored in my physical self.”


I understand you’re exhausted. Juggling everything life throws at you — job, kids, relationships — keep you busy and on the go. Calendar is fully booked with activities, tasks and other mundane things that should bring you joy yet you feel unfulfilled, tired and left to wonder why.

Maybe you used to have passions and dreams that have fallen aside. Days feel repetitive and meaningless, even lonely. You think, “There has to be more to life than this.”

You love your family but they just don’t see the world like you do. You wish conversations could be deeper, hearts more open. Resentment takes root before you realize it.

Work drags you down. The office politics, the pressure to always do more with less resources. The metrics fail to capture what matters most — purpose, joy, meaning, and balance.

You know the answer is within you, yearning to be fulfilled. But old messages of self-doubt hold you back. Whispering fearful words that discourage you. Constantly reminding you that others come first always. Confusion gives room to sadness, and you feel trapped in your own journey.

Here is your gentle invitation to come home to YOU — to inhabit your body, mind, spirit without fragmentation. To honor your voice and gifts without apology or explanation.

Shall we begin unfolding their mystery? I’m here to listen and illuminate the path, when you’re ready.


I understand you’re exhausted. Juggling everything life throws at you — job, kids, relationships — keep you busy and on the go. Calendar is fully booked with activities, tasks and other mundane things that should bring you joy yet you feel unfulfilled, tired and left to wonder why.

Maybe you used to have passions and dreams that have fallen aside. Days feel repetitive and meaningless, even lonely. You think, “There has to be more to life than this.”

You love your family but they just don’t see the world like you do. You wish conversations could be deeper, hearts more open. Resentment takes root before you realize it.

Work drags you down. The office politics, the pressure to always do more with less resources. The metrics fail to capture what matters most — purpose, joy, meaning, and balance.

You know the answer is within you, yearning to be fulfilled. But old messages of self-doubt hold you back. Whispering fearful words that discourage you. Constantly reminding you that others come first always. Confusion gives room to sadness, and you feel trapped in your own journey.

Here is your gentle invitation to come home to YOU — to inhabit your body, mind, spirit without fragmentation. To honor your voice and gifts without apology or explanation.

Shall we begin unfolding their mystery? I’m here to listen and illuminate the path, when you’re ready.


''Turning dreams into reality ''

"There is so much I could say about the beautiful Claudia and the sacred space and wisdom she shares. I have been on my healing/discovery journey back to self for many years, but I have had the most profound activations and transformation in the last 6 months after receiving The Rite of the Womb and a Unconscious Language Decoding session. It's enabled me to release so much that's been holding me back and giving me great clarity on who I really am and what I'm capable of. The by product of this transformation led me to start taking better care of my body, changes to my diet and overall well being, I lost half a stone, quit my job and started my own initiative energy medicine practice. I would highly recommend her services if you want to change your life."
Claire Louise Ros-McAndrew - Firefly Holistics
Wales - UK
Firefly Holistics
Claudia Sofia Unconscious Language Decoder

Join me as we explore the multidimensional layers of self-discovery, honoring the sacred language of your body, whilst revealing the limitless potential that lies dormant within you

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Energetic Body Status Report



The Vibrational Status Report will provide an overview of the areas in your life that require a deeper understanding and further action to be taken. 

Your present state of being offers insight into developing greater internal alignment with yourself and interconnectivity with others. 

You will become aware of the consciousness manifesting in your physical, emotional, mental and energetic body, all of which bring very clear messages that you can leverage and act upon. 

This awareness supports taking skillful steps toward improved wellbeing.

Your personalized Vibrational Status Report awaits, offering a roadmap for profound shifts rooted in the wisdom of your body’s language.

Energetic Body Status Report
Unconscious Language Decoding Mockup
Unconscious Language Decoding Mockup


Unconscious Language Decoding

Unconscious Language Decoding reveals how your emotions manifest through physical discomfort. This intuitive protocol decodes where you store stress, trauma, and unresolved feelings, giving you the right tools to leverage your personal life. Understanding your unique emotional-physical patterns provides clarity, insight and it’s the first step towards true healing and emotional mastery.

The Multidimensional Truth of the Self


The Multidimensional Truth of the Self

Elevate your life by working with the deep-seated blockages that hinder your emotional &spiritual growth. Become fluent in the language of your soul and transform your most persistent emotional triggers into steppingstones towards a truly liberated experience. 

The Multidimensional Truth of the Self
BALANCE Protocol Claudia Sofia Mockup


B.A.L.A.N.C.E. Protocol

Elevate your life by unlocking the deep-seated blockages that hinder your emotional growth. Become fluent in the language of your soul and transform your most persistent emotional triggers into steppingstones towards a truly liberated existence. This is a journey you won’t be going through alone

Sign up to be notified once a slot is open.  

Have a Question?

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Cake wafer tart pie ice cream cupcake. Lemon drops jelly beans cupcake tart pastry tart cookie pie croissant. Candy sweet apple pie pastry cheesecake soufflé ice cream tart. Apple pie biscuit sugar plum marzipan tart tootsie roll marshmallow.

Cake wafer tart pie ice cream cupcake. Lemon drops jelly beans cupcake tart pastry tart cookie pie croissant. Candy sweet apple pie pastry cheesecake soufflé ice cream tart. Apple pie biscuit sugar plum marzipan tart tootsie roll marshmallow.

Cake wafer tart pie ice cream cupcake. Lemon drops jelly beans cupcake tart pastry tart cookie pie croissant. Candy sweet apple pie pastry cheesecake soufflé ice cream tart. Apple pie biscuit sugar plum marzipan tart tootsie roll marshmallow.

Cake wafer tart pie ice cream cupcake. Lemon drops jelly beans cupcake tart pastry tart cookie pie croissant. Candy sweet apple pie pastry cheesecake soufflé ice cream tart. Apple pie biscuit sugar plum marzipan tart tootsie roll marshmallow.

Cake wafer tart pie ice cream cupcake. Lemon drops jelly beans cupcake tart pastry tart cookie pie croissant. Candy sweet apple pie pastry cheesecake soufflé ice cream tart. Apple pie biscuit sugar plum marzipan tart tootsie roll marshmallow.